There are up to 9 attributes that demonstrate the capability of a warrior:
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There are up to 9 attributes that demonstrate the capability of a warrior:
Last updated
Attributes | Explanation | Advantage Point |
HP (Hit Point)
Represents the health of the warrior. The warrior is deemed as “dead” if his/her HP bar is depleted completely.
Brute warriors have the highest HP stat compared to other classes of warriors.
STR (Strength)
Dictates how much damage is dealt by the warrior’s physical attack.
Agile warriors possess greater strength than other classes of warriors.
INT (Intellect)
Dictates how much damage is dealt by the warrior’s magical attack.
Mages have the highest intellect stat compared to other classes of warriors.
ARM (Armor)
Indicates how much of incoming physical damage will be reduced.
Brute warriors tend to have the strongest armor.
MR (Magic Resistance)
Indicates how much of incoming magical damage will be reduced.
Mages have higher magic resistance stat compared to the others.
AGI (Agility)
Refers to the chance of dodging incoming attacks.
Agile warriors have the highest agility compared to other classes.
APEN (Armor Penetration)
Dictates how much of the target's armor will be ignored when the warrior performs a physical attack.
Brute warriors tend to have a higher chance of penetrating through enemies' armors.
MPEN (Magic Penetration)
Specifies how much of the target's magic resistance will be ignored when the warrior performs a magic attack.
Mages have a higher chance of penetrating through enemies' magic resistance.
CRIT (Critical)
Refers to the odds that the warrior could land a Critical Hit.
Agile warriors have a higher chance of landing Critical hits than the other hero classes.